#90DaysOfDevOps - Day 8: Basic Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers.


Today marks the 8th day of the 90 Days DevOps Challenge. Our focus today is on Git and GitHub. We'll learn about Git, GitHub, version control, and its types. We'll also understand why distributed version control is preferred over centralized systems. Practical tasks include installing Git, creating a GitHub account, making repositories, cloning, making changes, and pushing them. Let's dive in!

What is Version Control and its types?

A version control system maintains a record of changes to code and other content. It also allows us to revert changes to a previous point in time. It gives the ability to collaborate on a single project. You don’t have to worry about a collaborator (or your future self) overwriting something important. It also allows two people working on the same document to efficiently combine ideas and changes.

Types of version control:

Local Version Control

Local version control is like a personal tool used by individual developers, not teams. Everything is stored on one computer. Changes are saved as updates, like patches. If something goes wrong, you need to piece together these updates to fix it.

This system is inflexible because it's tied to one computer. Working together is tough, and if things break, it's hard to recover.

Starting simple is okay, but as you grow or work with others, it's smarter to switch to a better system

Git - About Version Control

Centralized Version Control

Centralized version control uses a check-in/push workflow to connect to the main server. Changes are saved in the repository as a new version. They offer strong branching and merging abilities that don't require multiple machine cloning, adding a layer of security. However, they need a network connection and can slow down if there are interruptions. As all team members rely on one server-stored version, scaling up can be tricky. With more contributors, pushing changes becomes less stable, leading to potential issues like merge conflicts.

Centralized vs Distributed Version Control System

Distributed Version Control

Distributed version control systems empower users to check in, branch, and merge without relying on the main server connection. Contributors operate from cloned cloud repositories, allowing autonomous and rapid work without network or VPN concerns. Offline work is feasible, with an internet connection needed only for pushing or pulling updates.

However, downloading complete project histories can lead to delays, particularly in extensive projects with significant changes. Studios handling large binary files should mind storage usage, as such files occupy space swiftly.

For studios prioritizing flexibility and enhanced productivity, distributed version control offers a compelling solution.

Centralized vs Distributed Version Control System

Why do we use distributed version control over centralized version control?

It gives us the liberty to work fully offline.

It encourages frequent commits and experiments

It is easy to switch work like easily switching to different branches on priority even if we are in the middle of something.

It is a powerful tool for viewing and rewriting history

Increasingly popular as a more productive

What is Git?

Git is a distributed version control system that helps us track changes in our work, like keeping a detailed history of edits. It's widely used worldwide. One special thing about Git is its way of letting us work on different versions of our project at the same time, which is like trying out new ideas without affecting the main project. We can easily manage these different versions using commands and user-friendly interfaces."

What is GitHub?

GitHub serves as a platform for hosting Git repositories. It keeps everything organized and lets people work together on projects from anywhere. You can think of it as a place where your work is stored safely on the Internet. People can join in and help without messing up each other's work.

Git và Github - Hướng dẫn sử dụng cho người mới bắt đầu - Unitop.com.vn


  1. Install git on the local machine

     #update the installed packages
     ubuntu@~$: sudo apt update -y
     #install git
     ubuntu@~$: sudo apt install git -y
     #check the version of git
     ubuntu@~$: git --version
     #configure git global settings
     #configure git username
     ubuntu@~$: git config --global user.name "<user_name>"
     #configure git user email id
     ubuntu@~$: git config --global user.email "<email_id>"
  2. Create a free account on GitHub

    Go to GitHub page github.com. Enter your email address and click on "SignUp"

    Enter your details and click on "Create account"

    You need to verify your email id

    Select "Just me" and continue

    Select the features as per your needs.

    Select the "free plan" as we are creating a free account.

    Voila! You have created your free account on GitHub.

  3. Create a new repository on GitHub

    We will create our first repository on GitHub and clone it to our local machine.

    Go to your GitHub account dashboard and click on "Create repository"

    The create new repository page opens.

    Enter your repository name.

    Give a short description of your repository.

    You can select the repository to be public or private.

    You can add a README file to your repository that can be used to provide information about your repository.

    Click on "Create repository".

    You have created your first repository on GitHub.

    Now we will clone the first repository from GitHub to the local machine.

    Click on "<> Code" and you will see three ways HTTPS, SSH, and GitHub CLI to clone the repository. We will use the SSH option which is the most preferred way of connecting to GitHub.

    Connecting to GitHub using SSH

    Open the terminal on your local machine. First, we need to check whether there are existing ssh key pair available on the machine

     ubuntu@~$: ls -al ~/.ssh 
     total 12
     drwx------  2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Jul 26 12:58 .
     drwxr-x--- 10 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Aug 12 22:46 ..
     -rw-------  1 ubuntu ubuntu  392 Jul 26 12:58 authorized_keys

    We don't have any ssh key pair on the machine, so we now generate a new one using the ssh-keygen command.

    Enter the location where you want the keys to be generated. Press enter for the default location.

    Enter the passphrase. You can use any passphrase.

    Verify the ssh key generation. Two keys id_ed25519 (private) and id_ed25519.pub (public) will be generated.

     ubuntu@~$: ls -al ~/.ssh 
     total 20
     drwx------  2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Aug 13 05:20 .
     drwxr-x--- 10 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Aug 12 22:46 ..
     -rw-------  1 ubuntu ubuntu  392 Jul 26 12:58 authorized_keys
     -rw-------  1 ubuntu ubuntu  464 Aug 13 05:20 id_ed25519
     -rw-r--r--  1 ubuntu ubuntu   99 Aug 13 05:20 id_ed25519.pub

    Add SSH Key to SSH Agent.

    Use the cat command to display the contents of id_ed25519.pub file and copy it.

    Go to your GitHub account and add the SSH Key to your GitHub Account under the account settings. Copy paste the id_ed25519.pub value in the key field and add the key.

    We verify the connection to GitHub using the ssh command. Enter yes to confirm the github.com link and the connection is established between GitHub and local machine.

    Cloning the GitHub repository to the local machine

    Copy the URL and go to the terminal on the local machine.

     #clone the repository using the URL
     ubuntu@~$: git clone git@github.com:pka2412/first_repo.git
     Cloning into 'first_repo'...
     remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
     remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
     remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
     Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
     #a new folder with the repository name is created
     ubuntu@~$: ls
     first_repo  scripts
     #we move to the folder and check the contents
     #we see README.md which is the same we see on the GitHub repository
     ubuntu@~$: cd first_repo/
     ubuntu@~/first_repo$: ls -al
     total 16
     drwxrwxr-x 3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Aug 13 08:11 .
     drwxr-x--- 8 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Aug 13 08:13 ..
     drwxrwxr-x 8 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Aug 13 08:11 .git
     -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   33 Aug 13 08:11 README.md

    We have successfully cloned our first repository.

  4. Make some changes to a file in the repository and commit them to the repository using Git

    We will add a new file first.txt with some text and commit to the repository using git.

     ubuntu@~/first_repo$: echo "This is my first file added to the repository" > first.txt
     ubuntu@~/first_repo$: cat first.txt 
     This is my first file added to the repository
     ubuntu@~/first_repo$: git status
     On branch main
     Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
     Untracked files:
       (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
     nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

    We create the first.txt file and add This is my first file added to the repository text to the file.

    We use the git status command to get the status of our git repository. The first line is stating the branch that we are on, which is the master branch.

    The second line in the response mentions that our branch is up to date with the origin master.

    The third section lists the files that have been changed and staged for commit.

    The fourth section lists the files that have been changed and not staged for commit.

     ubuntu@~/first_repo$: git add -A
     ubuntu@~/first_repo$: git status
     On branch main
     Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
     Changes to be committed:
       (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
             new file:   first.txt

    We use git add command with -A option to move the repository changes to the staging area. -A is used to include new, modified, and deleted files.

     ubuntu@~/first_repo$: git commit -m "Adding first file"
     [main 09b50db] Adding first file
      1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
      create mode 100644 first.txt
     ubuntu@~/first_repo$: git status
     On branch main
     Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 1 commit.
       (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
     nothing to commit, working tree clean

    We commit the changes using git commit and provide a useful message to give one-line information about the commit.

    We again use the git status command to check whether our repository is clean and doesn't have any changes.

  5. Push the changes back to the repository on GitHub

    Once we have committed the changes to our local repository, we need to push the changes to the GitHub repository.

    We use git push origin <branch> to push the changes to GitHub

     ubuntu@~/first_repo$: git push origin main
     Enumerating objects: 4, done.
     Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
     Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
     Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 315 bytes | 315.00 KiB/s, done.
     Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
     To github.com:pka2412/first_repo.git
        e9d5bfe..4f5f7ff  main -> main

    Go to the GitHub repository page and you will see that the first.txt has been added to the repository.


Today, we delved into the realm of version control, exploring its various types. Among them, the distributed version control system emerged as the favored choice. Our focus turned to the widely used tools, Git and GitHub. We initiated our journey by setting up a free GitHub account, followed by the creation of our inaugural GitHub repository. With finesse, we cloned the repository to our local machine, effectuated changes, and seamlessly pushed our modifications back to the GitHub platform.

"🌱 Keep learning, and spread the knowledge to inspire others. 🚀💡"

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