Mastering HCL: A Comprehensive Guide to HashiCorp's Configuration Language 📚


Today, let's explore HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). We'll discover how to use variables effectively and understand the various types of data it supports. So, let's get started!

What is HCL?🤔

The HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) is like a special language made by a company called HashiCorp. People use HCL with HashiCorp's tools that help set up things in the cloud, like Terraform. They made this language so that both people and computers can easily understand it. It also works well with other systems that use JSON, so it can talk to different computer programs, not just Terraform.

HCL Syntax Structure and Elements📜🧩

HCL is a declarative language designed to be both human-readable and machine-friendly. Let's break down the key elements of HCL syntax:

  • Blocks

    Blocks are fundamental structures in HCL and are used to group related configurations. Blocks are defined using curly braces {} and have a block type identifier.

      resource "aws_instance" "ec2" {
        ami           = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
        instance_type = "t2.micro"

    In this example, the resource is a block type identifier, and ec2 is a block label.

  • Attributes

    Attributes are key-value pairs within a block that define the specific properties of the resource or configuration. In the example above, ami and instance_type are attributes.

  • Arguments

    Arguments are used to specify the values for attributes. In the example, "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0" and "t2.micro" are the arguments for the ami and instance_type attributes, respectively.

  • Variables

    Variables allow you to parameterize your configurations and make them reusable. You can define variables at the top of your HCL file or in separate variable files.

      variable "service" {
        description = "Service name"
        type        = string
        default     = "web"

    Here we have defined a variable service of type string and default value of web

  • Expressions:

    HCL supports expressions for more dynamic configurations. You can use interpolation syntax ${} to reference variables and attributes within your configurations.

      resource "aws_instance" "ec2_instance" {
        ami           = "ami-0123456789abcdef0"  
        instance_type = "t2.micro"
        tags = {
          Name = "service-${var.service}-instance"

    Here we have defined ec2_instance resource of type aws_instance that has it's Name set to the service variable value using string interpolation.

  • Comments

    You can add comments to your HCL files to provide explanations or documentation. Single-line comments start with #, and multi-line comments use /* and */.

      # This is a single-line comment
         This is a multi-line comment.
         It can span multiple lines.
  • Conditional logic

    HCL supports conditional logic using the if and for expressions. You can conditionally create or modify resources based on certain conditions or iterate over lists or maps.

      resource "aws_instance" "example" {
        ami           = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
        instance_type = var.is_production ? "t2.large" : "t2.micro"

    Here we decide which type of instance to create based on the is_production value. If yes we create t2.large else t2.micro

Variable Data Types🔢

HCL does not have a wide range of data types like general-purpose programming languages, but it does have some fundamental data types and constructs to represent and manipulate configuration data.

  • Strings

    Strings are used to represent text and are enclosed in double quotes " or single quotes '

      variable "small" {
        description = "AWS instance type"
        type        = string
        default     = "t2.micro"

    Here we have defined a string variable small that will use t2.micro type of system.

  • Numbers

    HCL supports both integer and floating-point numbers.

      variable "instance_count" {
          description    = "Number of instances"
          type           = number
          default        = 2

    Here we are using instance_count as a number variable to set the number of instances to 2

  • Booleans

    Booleans represent true or false values and are written as true or false

      variable "enabled" {
        type    = bool
        default = true

    Here we have defined enabled boolean variable with a default value of true

  • Lists

    Lists are ordered collections of values enclosed in square brackets []. Lists can contain values of different types, including other lists.

      variable "regions" {
        type    = list(string)
        default = ["us-east-1", "us-east-2"]

    Here we are using regions as a list variable that contains a list of regions us-east-1 and us-east-2 to be used.

  • Maps

    Maps, also known as dictionaries or key-value pairs, are collections of key-value associations enclosed in curly braces {}. Keys are strings, and values can be of any data type.

      variable "staging" {
        type = map(string)
        default = {
          name        = "staging-bucket"
          acl         = "private"
          versioning  = "true"
          logging_target_bucket = "logs-bucket"
          logging_target_prefix = "staging/"

    Here we are using staging variable of type map to define key-value pairs that we can use if we select a staging environment.

  • Objects

    Objects are similar to maps but with a predefined structure. They allow you to define a specific set of attributes with their respective data types.

      resource "aws_security_group" "web" {
        name        = "web"
        description = "Web Security Group"
        ingress {
          from_port   = 80
          to_port     = 80
          protocol    = "tcp"
          cidr_blocks = [var.allowed_cidr]

    Here we're using an object web of type aws_security_group to define the properties of an AWS security group, including nested elements like the ingress block, which itself has multiple attributes.


🎉Congratulations! Today, we've successfully delved into the world of HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) and grasped its fundamental syntax components. Furthermore, we've enriched our understanding by exploring the diverse data types available for crafting dynamic configurations.

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